Whether you record your private reading or we send you an MP3 file, it is for your own personal use. You may share it with your friends and family if you choose to do so. You may NOT copyright the material or trademark any part of it for any reason in perpetuity. We will also keep a copy in our archives. Your privacy is always respected. We will not share your reading with anyone, nor will it be listened to by anyone.

Readings should not be used as a substitute for legal, medical, or psychiatric advice.

By scheduling a private reading, you are agreeing to our policy.

Schedule A Reading

To schedule a private phone reading, please call or email me and I will respond within 24 hours.


Private session by phone with FREE MP3 file with no time limit.

Private readings are prepaid one week in advance.



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My main focus is my volunteer work with hospice. However, I am also in private practice and offer personalized services.

Per Hour Fee - $30

For 3 Hours - $75

In person or by phone

Call for an appointment: 904.322.7473

Doula Services